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Care & Repair

TRACEY CHEN jewelry is made of precious gems. To maintain its original color, we recommend that you take care of it
carefully and store it properly, just like wearing and caring for any other high-end jewelry.

Following the advice below can help you maintain jewelries better: 

  • Return to TRACEY CHEN for a regular inspection every six months.
  • The gems of TRACEY CHEN are hard natural gems, but any impact on the ring and claws can cause the gems to loose or chip. Please do not wear the jewelry to do anything that may affect the gems or the ring.
  • To avoid damage, vibration and scratching of jewelry, during any housework, activities that will use corrosive products (cleaning, washing dishes), gardening, sports and before going to bed, please do not wear jewelry.  This will help protect and maintain the integrity of jewelry .
  • Avoid exposing jewels to heat. Severe temperature changes will cause irreparable damage to the jewels.
  • When spraying perfume and makeup, the chemical components in the cosmetics can cause damage to some gems.
  • 油脂、汗水減損光彩】貼膚配戴的首飾難免會沾到身上的油脂與汗水,長期下來累積在天然紋路的孔隙中,是寶石不再閃亮的原因之一;而汗水帶有酸性,易使首飾失去光澤。即使是鑽石,雖然硬度高不擔心刮傷,但具親油性特質,定期清潔保養是不可少的,日常小動作即可維持首飾輝亮如新。
    貴金屬 (如黃金、鉑金、18K金) 性質穩定,單接觸清水是不會有甚麼影響的,但是沐浴乳、洗手乳、護手霜等常含有油份與弱酸鹼性,建議您洗手、保養動作完成後再戴上珠寶。
  • 潮濕造成氧化】完成日常配戴的清洗步驟後,記得輕輕吹乾、拍乾您的首飾,再用密封袋或珠寶盒個別收藏。空氣溼度較高的臺灣,隔絕潮濕空氣,能讓貴金屬減緩氧化發黑,小心保護就能長久美麗。
  • 避免物理性撞擊震盪】TRACEY CHEN的寶石是堅硬的天然寶石,但任何對戒環和戒爪的撞擊都可能造成寶石鬆落或碎裂,請不要配戴TRACEY CHEN的產品從事任何可能對寶石或戒臺有所損傷的活動,比如粗重的工作、運動、整理園藝或睡眠,這些時候請拿下美麗的珠寶,以免損傷、震盪或刮傷首飾。
  • 環境中的化學成分】家庭清潔常會用到含氯漂白劑,游泳池也含有氯,而氯會侵蝕合金,造成戒檯變得脆弱,可能導致寶石鬆脫。從事家務(如打掃、清洗餐具)、游泳時請避免配戴珠寶,這將有助維持珠寶的完整性。
  • 海水與溫泉的侵蝕性海水與溫泉對合金有侵蝕性,因為含有較高的酸鹼性,以及不同的金屬/礦物質,會造成永久性的影響,只要是珍視的首飾,都不建議碰到海水與溫泉水;浸浴在海水與溫泉中也容易使首飾滑脫、遺落寶石。
  • 避免將珠寶暴露於熱源附近,劇烈溫度變化將對寶石造成不能修復的傷害。
  • 噴灑香水和化妝時,其中的酒精和化學成分會對某些寶石造成損害。


Regarding the conservation and storage of Pearls

We also recommend that you

  • After wearing pearls, please use a soft cloth to gently wipe off the adhered grease and dirt; do not use facial tissues, because some facial tissues will wear the pearls.
  • If you have pearl beads, we recommend that you change the thread every two years. Skin oil and frequent wearing will cause the thread to lose its elasticity and cause slack or break; please keep the beads beautifully crease to avoid breaking.
  • Avoid spotlight: pearls are organic gems, please avoid exposure to sunlight or strong light.
  • Avoid covering with absorbent cotton: absorbent cotton has a bleaching effect, which can chang pearls’ color.
  • Avoid splashing soap bubbles into the crevices of the jewellery, causing it to lose its luster.
  • Keep away from hard objects.
  • Keep away from high temperature, high humidity and extremely dry places.