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Brand Story

TRACEY CHEN is the starting point for me to bravely break out my comfort zone and pursue my dreams. When you wear my jewelry, you will definitely feel the new life of jewelry. It is my dream to make you the most confident and beautiful shining star!    

-Founder/Design Art Director Tracey Chen

From Tracey Chen to TRACEY CHEN

She is Tracey, a two bar licensed lawyer, GIA GG and a Taiwanese jewelry designer

who is keen on all jewelry-related matters.

Brand Story

Tracey Chen was born in Taipei and completed her law degree at Georgetown University Law Center.  Having practiced corporate law in New York City and in Shanghai, Tracey pivoted her career path in 2015. When Tracey got married, her mother gifted her a jade ring.  This exchange made her realize that precious stones are not just a commodity but in fact a symbol of emotional connection from the giver to the receiver.

Tracey and her mom wanted to share this concept with others. This is how TRACEY CHEN was born, through taking what consumers see as traditional precious stones and transforming them into affordable designs.

Tracey holds GIA GG certification which helps her authenticate and select semi-precious stones for her collections.  Further, by utilizing 3D printing to create unique designs, she continues to modernize the relationship between the stones, the client, and the story behind each piece. She hopes to help each individual discover their inner style through these creations so that they can wear one of a kind jewelry daily.



TRACEY CHEN jewelry is a east meets west jewelry line devoted to selecting the finest stones, creating one of a kind designs for the everyday modern woman.

Tracey believes that precious stones and fine jewelry should be celebrated, worn and shared. For generations fine jewelry have been passed down as heirlooms in families and these pieces all have a story behind them. Tracey hopes to help continue these traditions whether it be a wedding ring, college graduation necklace, couple’s anniversary bracelets and more. Precious stones are often misunderstood by young consumers as expensive, traditional and lack fashionable designs.

TRACEY CHEN hopes to break that stereotype by offering fine jewelry at an affordable price. Each stone at the atelier is carefully picked and designed for the modern woman of today. 

February 2015, TRACEY CHEN was founded

Tracey bravely broke out of the comfort zone to pursue her dreams, and sprouted the idea of ​​creating TRACEY CHEN personal jewelry brand.

February 2016, Open of first TRACEY CHEN store

The first TRACEY CHEN store opened in Tianzifang SML Center, Shanghai

March 2016, Medias and speech invitations

Interviewed with Shanghai Xingshang TV Station, CCTV, Shanghai TV, Star Channel and many other media.

Invited by Shanghai Fubon Huayi Bank to hold a jewelry seminar for its VIPs.

April 2017, Expansion of brand channels

Stores at Eslite Department Store at Taipei Xinyi Store, Taipei Ximen Store, Xinbei Xinban Store. 

At the same time, the launch of metropolitan jade jewelry series. 

April 2018, On the stage

Participated in the MODE exhibition in Shanghai Fashion Week, and sales points in Hong Kong, Shenzhen and Beijing were set up, as well as the e-commerce.

September 2019, Going to the world

Participated in the New York Fashion Week Exhibition.

Set up sales points in Qingdao, Urumqi and Shijiazhuang, selected by Taiwan China Airlines as in-flight product, started MOMO e-commerce platform and the top luxury e-commerce platform-Secoo in China.

September 2020, Open of Taipei flagship store

The first TRACEY CHEN Taiwan store opened in Taipei East District.

Set-up of sales points in Guangzhou, Chongqing and Ningxia. Interviewed by Bazaar Magazine, Tatler Magazine, Beauty Marie Clare Magazine and LOOKin. 

October 2021, Taipei Fashion Week on Stage

Partner Brand of Opening Video of THE SHOW, Taipei Fashion Week

Stores at ShinKong Mitsukoshi Department Store: Nanxi Store, Taipei Station Store, then Tien Mu Store.

2022年 台北時裝週AW22 SS23 連續入選

台北時裝周 AW22 發表高級珠寶冰玻系列

登上金鐘獎主持人造型 : 冰玻白翡: "極光"
登上金馬獎紅毯及頒獎人造型: 當代墨韻墨翡珠寶
進駐台灣社群媒體霸主 LINE: LINE禮物品牌館

2023年 設計珠寶登上大銀幕

賀歲大片【詐團圓】 全片女角珠寶造型選用

參加東京時裝週New Energy展會

Listen to Tracey about her opinion on


"Why TRACEY CHEN 's Jadeite Collection deserves your attention?"